From now on all colours in stock again!

We would like to thank all our customers for their patience! We had delivery problems during the last weeks due to the high demand and some orders were delivered later than expected. We're very sorry about that and keep our fingers crossed that the next tournament with laser will be even better.

From now on all colours are available and available as usual.

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Eine Meinung zu “From now on all colours in stock again!

  1. Peter Strauss Says:

    Good morning from Stellenbosch,
    no, unfortunately not our place of residence, but in Monent our winter holiday resort ( beautiful for golfing ). In the Golftime I discovered your homepage and think about buying a laser device. It'd be a lot better here than a golf ride. Will there be other colours available in the near future ? I'm a "blue" fan.
    Thanks for your feedback.

    Yours sincerely
    Peter Strauss

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