Dieses Golfbuch verbessert Ihr Spiel
30 exercises for efficient training
- 30 situative TRAININGSPLÄNE für das kurze Spiel (Putt, Chip, Pitch, Sand), die Driving Range (Eisen, Driver) und den Platz. Dank handlichem Format immer im Golfbag dabei!
- Die Golfsport-Beilage TAGESSPIEGEL schreibt: „Kaufen! Sinnvoller, zielgerichteter und effizienter kann man kaum trainieren.“
- Die Golfzeitschrift GOLF WEEK empfiehlt: „Der Trainings-Plan hat das Zeug zum Ratgeberklassiker.“
- Die Sport-Webseite GOLFPOST meint: „Es ist einfach anzuwenden, bietet Abwechslung im Training und, das Wichtigste, führt wirklich zu Verbesserungen.“
- GOLF JOURNAL erklärt: „Es versammelt auf 64 Seiten viele Drills inklusive Erfolgskontrollen für jedes Handicap und noch eine Menge bunter Ideen wie kleine Nebenwetten.“
In our opinion, the practical booklet "My Golf Training" should not be missing in any bag. Golf journalist Timo Schlitz has copied 30 exercises from the professionals and offers situational training plans for amateurs based on them. Exercises of well-known professionals like Phil Mickelson or Tiger Woods are included. The book has already been published in its third edition and is now even available in English in the UK and USA.
Here are a few excerpts from the press and from Amazon buyers:
Mike Wolff/Berliner Tagesspiegel: "Conclusion: Buy! You can't train more effectively, effectively and efficiently."
Stefan Maiwald/Golf Journal: "It gathers on 64 pages many Drills including success controls for each handicap and still a lot of colorful ideas like small side bets.
Golf Post: "It's easy to use, offers variety in training and, most importantly, really leads to improvements."
SZ Golf Spielen: "In a compact format, training forms for almost every situation can be found that are easy to understand. At the same time, a form of play is noted for each exercise. So training becomes competition."
Amazon customer, rating with 5 stars: "My golf training gives great tips and advice on how to make your training consistent and clear. For beginners with ambition potential."
Amazon customer, rating with 5 stars: "Finally a good help that you can take with you on your seat. All areas of the golf game are covered and backed with good exercises. So you can make the training more interesting for yourself and you have first of all more joy in the training and therefore also more success."
Verlag: All Square Verlag, 4. Auflage (2017/18);
Inhaber: Timo Schlitz
Scope: 64 pages
dimensions: 16 x 10,5 cm
ISBN: 978-3-00-039831-5
Stefan (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Ein gutes Trainingsbuch mit interessanten Vorschlägen und guten Darstellungen.