Quick guide Birdie 1300 Pro

RocketGolf Become a brand ambassador

As a RocketGolf brand ambassador you will become part of our young golf family. Not only do you get all kinds of advantages, but you also get the unique opportunity to participate directly in our idea. Equipped with the right equipment, you will represent us in your circle of friends and acquaintances and help us to establish RocketGolf in the golf world.

Simply apply by email and explain to us why you have what it takes to become a RocketGolf brand ambassador. We are looking for like-minded people and golf enthusiasts who look beyond the box and for whom the best is just good enough.

Whether professional or amateur, male or female! We are looking for people who want to make golf younger, more modern and cheaper. If you have this passion, then you are just the right person to become a member of our team.

I WANT YOU TO GET STARTED NOW: Send us an email to mail (ät) golflaser (dot) en

What you get

Equipment and equipment
Golf Rangefinders of your choice, enough bamboo teas, caps etc.

Network and part of the family
Exclusive benefits and discounts only for brand ambassadors

10% revenue share and rewards for above-average successes

Our brand ambassadors

Nicole Gergely – PGA Golf Professional

Die erfolgreiche Tourspielerin Nicole Gergely aus Österreich mit unserem Golflaser Birdie 1300 Pro. Nach ihrer aktiven Karriere auf der LET hat sie eine Ausbildung zum Teaching Pro gemacht und hilft seitdem zahlreichen Schülern besser zu werden. Zudem ist sie Nationalcoach des Österreichischen Teams.

Sandy Voss – Playing Professional

Wir dürfen neu im RocketGolf Team die junge Golf-Proette Sandy Voss im Team begrüßen und drücken ihr für die anstehenden Turniere die Daumen.

Jonas Kölbing – Tourpro

Wir dürfen Jonas neu im Team begrüßen und drücken ihm für die anstehenden Turniere die Daumen.

Anna-Lena – Bundesliga

Wir dürfen Anna-Lena neu im Team begrüßen und drücken ihr für die anstehenden Turniere die Daumen.

Jürgen Maurer - Tourpro

Facts in brief: Jürgen Maurer from Austria Current: Tourpro Tournaments: Alps Tour, European Tour Born: 1982 Handicap: PRO Tourpro since: 2005 We welcome Jürgen to the team and keep our fingers crossed for him for the upcoming tournaments.

Ali Khazanbeik - Bundesliga

Facts in brief: Ali Khazanbeik Current: Amateur in the 2nd Bundesliga Born: 1995 Handicap: +2 Golfclub: Golfclub Domäne Niederreutin Started with golf: 2009 My best round: 65 Best tournament round: 66 We welcome Ali to the team and keep our fingers crossed for him for the upcoming tournaments.

Julian Bachmaier - Bundesliga

Facts in brief:

Max Querling - Professional

Facts in brief: Maximilian Querling News: Professional on the Pro Golf Tour Born: 29.05.1996 Golfclub: Duvenhof is my training base. I already got my place matriculation there. Golfer since: I've been playing golf for eight years. My Best Round: was a 66th Best Tournament Round: was a 68th Welcome to the Team, Max!

Moritz Klawitter - Professional

Facts in brief: Moritz Klawitter News: Professional born on the Pro Golf Tour: follows... Golf club: follows... Golfer since: follows... My best round: follows. Best tournament round: coming up.