Golf practice net Quickster - quickly mounted

New in our assortment we have the Golf practice net Quickster from SKLZ. It is characterized by

  • ease
  • Quick and easy assembly and disassembly
  • Quality and durability
  • Compact storage

After work you can quickly hit a few golf balls or train at home in winter. With a golf net for your own garden or garage no problem and also possible far away from the golf course. If you have the necessary space, you can also train effectively at home.

Golf practice nets of a certain quality

Since we are passionate golfers ourselves, a practice course with a net should not be missing at home either. Especially in winter it is fun to stay in the swing. But you shouldn't save on quality, otherwise you'll have bought 2-3 nets quickly. Not all golf nets are the same. Especially vulnerable is the net itself, which likes to tear after the 100th ball. Therefore, we advise you to buy a slightly more expensive and high quality golf practice net.

Effective golf training with a golf net at home

A golf practice net in collaboration with a launch monitor - for example the inexpensive ES14 Pro - you can make training at home very effective. It does not make sense to hit the ball into the net unless you are working on its momentum and impact. With the Launch Monitor you can measure the length of your strokes, play games, improve your consistency and display the flight curves.

Order Golf Practice Net

Learn more about our golf network or order it directly from us:

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